Saturday, June 13, 2009

summer knowledge and work-2

Article: Mumbai Mirror Friday, June 12, 2009 ; page 26
Advertisement on Pretti Slim clinic

Description: faces shown before and after laser hair treatment., Also information about treatments offered by Pretti Slim like slimming and face lifting.

Everytime I see an article like this contempt and disgust is all that I perceive. However this is primarily not directed at the people who take such treatments, but at the advertisers. To a vulnerable person, facing these disorders this may seem as the most appropriate break through. However often lured by these advertisements they loose their reason. They plunge in for the treatments without looking at its side effects and long term consequences. This impulsiveness has been imbedded in human nature since ancient times. Beauty has always lured men to their demise.
The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. Man always wants what is not meant for him. This fact dates back to the origin of mankind as stated in the sacred bible. Adam and Eve were dwellers in heaven. They were aware of the forbidden apple and its curse. However Adam’s naïve and insatiate soul of a youth could not conform to the rules. Even though he knew he would face horrible consequences he still went on to eat the forbidden apple. Thus Adam and Eve were banished from heaven and exiled to earth to lead the life of mortals. The reddest apple is the deadliest. Youth, beauty and the desire to look good is like that red apple that is hypnotising the youth and adult population alike.
The first advertisement was about face lifting. The woman to me didn’t look much happier after the treatment, so then what was the point. I could also do the same thing on Photoshop, what is the guarantee of the authenticity of this picture which I genuinely feel is not too attractive. However some old woman may be admiring this picture. Here arises the disparity of perception. Perceptions differ and emotions play a major role in it. Hope, fear, desire and anxiety all influence perception. I would look at the situation in a more objective and rational way. I would question the procedure and doubt the results. On the other hand a vulnerable person may give in. the vulnerable person would want to believe that what he or she sees is true. I would to negate it. Some people say seeing is believing but I think ‘believing is seeing’ since our beliefs and expectations affect the way we see things. In the nineteenth century some scientists speculated that an undiscovered planet- which they called Vulcan- existed between Mercury and the sun. With this belief in mind some astronomers claimed to have seen Vulcan. However the fact was that Vulcan never existed. Thus the question arises does this picture actually depict the truth?
Also why are we so bent upon on changing nature? Aging is a natural process; it is a part of human evolution why are we changing it. It is this interference with nature that forces nature to revert. Man interfered with the forces of nature. He manipulated his environment and hampered natural cycles. This gave rise to global warming, acid rain and the green house effect. These effects were not considered when man presented the rosy pictures of urbanisation with comfortable lifestyles of the developed world. Even in this advertisement the final rosy picture is presented and the initial state but the process which is the traumatising part is not presented. The pain, discomfort, swelling, blistering and pigmentation has boldly been ignored in the laser treatment advert. In a worst case laser can also lead to skin cancers. However never will a person inform you about these side effects other wise their product will not sell.
King Canute the great Viking ruler once was strolling by the sea shore with his courtiers. In his early years as a ruler looted much and plundered much more. He was very proud of his achievements. He enjoyed flattery and preferred to be surrounded by sycophants. However as he wizened over the years he understood the true essence of survival and futility of baseless desires. That is why he gave up looting and plundering and devoted his life to the well being of mankind. This advertisement is promoting something that will last for few months or maybe years but its long term consequences are deathly. Aging is a natural process, hormonal changes is an internal disorder. These superficial treatments are not going to change the way the body is destined to function.
Some may provide counter arguments saying that everyone has the right to look good. That is true, this is a personal choice. However I would just urge people to look at the treatment in a rational way, weigh the pros and corns and make informed decisions.

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