Monday, March 30, 2009

is it better to be logical or rational. after learning about the difference between thses two terms in class it obviously seemed that being rational was the more holistic as well as practical way of looking at things. it looked at a broader picture and seemeds more sensible even though uncertain. however isn't being logicl sometimes simpler. every one has diffeent rational capacities. as it is said common sense is very uncommon. even though this is the most cliche line it is true. in such situations is it better to confide in one's rationality or be safe by conforming to the well accepted logics? lets take probabilty, a chapter in math that i'm studying. O!=1 and 1!=1. when i asked the teacherfor reason she said this fits into all sums so it is universally accepted. i use this piece of logic to conquer on many problem in math, it makes my life easier.thus even though logic may be unjustified it does help in simplifying life. however the question is when do we know we can rely on our logic. i gues we need to deduce a rational answer for that!!!!

another loop hole with rationality is that is is subjective. what may be rational to one may be completely irrational to another. there are many topics such as terrorism that have very contidictary views. the terrorisor may uses manipulated history and religion to develop a seemingly rational reason for terrorism. to us the victims of terrorism these reasons seem completely irrational, only driven by extreme emotional upheavals. this disparity always arises and that is how we have opposing views. look at the communist and the capitalist blocks in the cold war. both had very strong arguments for their beliefs. they even had counter arguments for the opposing regime. capitalists called the communists insatiate souls, undercover tyrants, potential dictaors and a threat to world peace. the communist on the other hand critcised the capitalist for uneven distribution of income, exploitation and selfishness. both had rational arguments. it took the world as well as individual countries decades to resolve the problem and come to a consensus.

thus rationality is dyanamic, it is the rational thinking that lends individuality to people. if we were all just logical then life would be too mechanical and monotonous. moreover logic can never prevail in the presence of emotions and reason, two vital elements of human behavior

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